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I&I Club Phone Number - 217-595-5000

Club Meetings are typically the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7pm.  Exact dates are on the Event Schedule Page.

Visitors are welcome.

General Contact Information:

Chuck Stelter - 217-497-7686 -

Russell Buhr - 217-621-3442

J.C. Reitmeier - 217-841-8842

John Fredrickson - 219-863-1270

Club Hall Rental:

Linda Monroy - 217-840-5694

Ladies' Auxiliary & Museum Information:

Jane Berbaum - 217-369-1945

Betty Bensyl - 217-493-3101

Vendor Informatio​n:

Barry Maury - 217-202-0967

Joann Warner - 217-202-6598

Historic Farm Days Trading Post

Dave Bosch - 217-841-0194

Membership Information:

Jim Rein - 217-582-2364 or

Annual Membership:


Junior Membership:


Tractor Pull Information:

Andy Buhr - 217-202-9810

Derek Harms - 217-202-0972

Newsletter Information:

George McMannis - 217-418-9940

Golf Cart Rental Information:

Golf carts: They will start taking reservations on March 1 , 2025


Battery Specialists + Golf Carts - 1-866-275-2742

Club Officers


Chuck Stelter



Dave Bosch

Barry Maury



J.C. Reitmeier



Alecia Whitcomb



John Bensyl

Rick Chenewith

Derek Harms

Roger Musson

Ed Winkelman

Jim Wood



Jim Rein


Activity Directors:

Russell Buhr

Marvin Johnson

John Schmidt

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